Pink Sand Interior Design Color Palette


At the crossroads of feminine and masculine, this exquisite combination whispers tales of sophistication and tranquility. Soft pink, a gentle hue reminiscent of blooming petals, brings forth an air of delicate romance. Its whispering blush envelops the senses, creating a tender yet approachable atmosphere.

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Why are color palettes important?

A color palette is a combination of colors used by designers when visualizing a space. When used correctly, color palettes form the foundation of your design, help to maintain consistency, and make your finished space both aesthetically pleasing and cohesive.


✦ Featuring Instant Digital Access ✦

Each digital download includes:

1) One 20-page custom-made Designer Color Palette PDF

2) Nine paint colors, all professionally selected to coordinate beautifully with one another

3) The name and paint number of each individual paint color for simple implementation

4) Example of each color on walls

5) The HEX codes for HTML use

6) Four (4) Designer-approved color combinations

7) 10-page palette guide PDF with tips for how to use this color palette to its most beautiful potential


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Returns or refunds are not available for this item so be sure that you have the right item in your basket before you buy.